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Displaying 181 - 200 of 3630
Centre Code Centre Name Address, Town or Village Sort ascending
2059 Kdec Primary School - Ward 34 | Constituency 12 | Kenema district Vinema
10256 Community Health Centre - Ward 262 | Constituency 70 | Port Loko district Victoria Street, Lunsar Town
12120 U.B.C Primary School - Ward 325 | Constituency 92 | Bonthe district Victoria
16282 Community Market - Ward 445 | Constituency 132 | Western Area Urban district Vicent Drive
2342 R.C Primary School - Ward 44 | Constituency 15 | Kenema district Venima
2138 Open Space - Ward 43 | Constituency 15 | Kenema district Vandeima
13121 Umc Central Primary School - Ward 338 | Constituency 96 | Moyamba district Vamboi Street, Moyamba
2224 U.M.C. Primary School - Ward 53 | Constituency 18 | Kenema district Vaingema
14145 Slc Primary School - Ward 367 | Constituency 103 | Pujehun district Vaawahun Sowa
14121 Uma Primary School - Ward 364 | Constituency 103 | Pujehun district Vaawahun
3186 God Is Our Light Pri. Sch. - Ward 97 | Constituency 30 | Kono district Vaama, Koidu Town
2192 Town Barray - Ward 49 | Constituency 17 | Kenema district Vaama Korba
2182 Town Barray - Ward 48 | Constituency 17 | Kenema district Vaama Kanda
14026 Rc Primary School - Ward 352 | Constituency 99 | Pujehun district Vaama
1129 Open Space - Ward 17 | Constituency 6 | Kailahun district Vaama
2118 National Islamic Primary School - Ward 40 | Constituency 14 | Kenema district Vaama
14120 Court Barray - Ward 363 | Constituency 102 | Pujehun district Vaama
3025 Court Barray 1, - Ward 75 | Constituency 22 | Kono district Vaama
14053 Slmb Pprimary School - Ward 356 | Constituency 100 | Pujehun district Vaahun
2180 Roman Catholic Primary School - Ward 47 | Constituency 16 | Kenema district Vaahun